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Michelob Ultra | Contract For Change

Even though 90% of Americans would love to buy organic food & drinks, barely 1% of America’s farmland is organic. A shocking reality that’s jeopardizing our health and environment. The reason: going organic takes 3 extremely difficult years, an impossible challenge for struggling family farms.


With insufficient government support for transitioning farmers, Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold, America’s leading organic beer, has taken on the mission to transform America’s agriculture, with Contract for Change: an agreement that farmers sign today and guarantees them a buyer in 3 years, when their organic transition is complete. That certainty of having a large buyer, like Michelob, removes the main barrier to going organic.


Another barrier is the income farmers lose during the transition. The contract includes a commitment from Anheuser-Busch to buy crops during that time for its yearly production of non-organic beers at a 25% higher price, so farmers don’t lose money. Finally, the contract provides organic training, through the biggest agriculture organizations, like the Organic Trade Association.


Contract for Change was offered to all American farmers, through a hyper-targeted media campaign. 104,000 acres are already in transition. Once those are organic, they’ll produce ingredients for Michelob, but also for countless other brands.


Case Study

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